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salesperson winning big in sales

How to Win Big in Sales

There is no denying that sales are a competitive field. It has always been this way. However, with digital selling channels coming to the fore and new players entering the field all of the time, this competition is only getting fiercer.

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business concept of someone who has ruined their sales career

How NOT to Ruin Your Sales Career

Did you know that around 50 per cent of people working in sales lack the fundamental traits needed to be successful? A further 25 per cent are selling the wrong thing at the wrong time, which leaves only the other 25 per cent of salespeople actually enjoying success.

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person reviewing a resume of a candidate

10 Key Things Employers Look For in a Resume

Finding what employers look for is often as simple as observing the job description and fixating on keywords, brand identity, and company quarterlies. Doing this deep research will help inform your resume and make it stand out as you join the almost 700,000 Australians now looking for work.

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